Aches Away
Massage Therapist in Doncaster, South Yorkshire

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read moreThere's a lot of pressure that comes along with everyday life. Pressure to perform at work, maintain healthy relationships and spend enough quality time with your family and friends. All that commitment adds up to a lot of tension carried around leaving you feeling tired and stressed which makes you more prone to illness. Stress is not just in the mind, it can manifest itself in the form of headaches, upset stomachs and a feeling of fatigue which can lead to depression. However, there is a certain kind of pressure that is good for you.
Hot Stone Massage in Doncaster
read moreWhat is Hot Stone Massage? Have you heard about hot stone massage? If you have never experienced this unique indulgence, you owe yourself this exquisite moment. It is quite an experience to feel the deeply relaxing, penetrating heat from the basalt stones, used in place of the therapist's hands. The use of extremes of temperature has long been scientifically and medically proven to be of benefit to the body. Those who wish to relax and tone their muscles with a minimum of effort see this in the use of ice packs for muscle trauma and the use of saunas.
Sports Massage in Doncaster
read moreWhat is Sports Massage? Sports Massage is not just for sports people, it is a special form of massage that will stretch and untangle the many fibres found in our muscles. This will stimulate blood flow, taking the pressure off the heart, and kick start the lymphatic system which works by muscle contraction, thus helping restore the body's natural elasticity and flexibility. A massage technique focusing on the deeper layers of muscle tissue. For those of us that like a firm massage, go for this one.
Swedish Massage in Doncaster
read moreWhat is a Swedish Massage? The term "Swedish Massage" refers to a variety of techniques specifically designed to relax muscles by applying pressure to them against deeper muscles and bones, and rubbing in the same direction as the flow of blood returning to the heart. The main purpose of Swedish massage is to increase the oxygen flow in the blood and release toxins from the muscles whilst totally balancing the body and mind alleviating stress. A massage specifically designed to relax and rejuvenate muscles; a combination of techniques applied through pressure and rubbing, in the same direction as the blood flow returning to the heart, an all over MOT for your body.