Coldwell Jen
Massage Therapist in Sheffield, South Yorkshire

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Coldwell Jen
read moreAll of my therapies and techniques are there to help you reduce pain, manage stress and improve your sense of well-being. I am a qualified Reiki & Seichem Master with over 20 years experience in offering both treatments and courses. I also offer Indian head massage classes. My wife said I would have died from all the prescription drugs. She said it was just lucky I found Jen Coldwell and the Reiki treatments got rid of my pain. My treatments include Reiki, Seichem and Hypnotherapy. I also teach Indian head massage, Seichem & Reiki.
About Us
read moreThe turning point in my life came when my twin brother died, when we were 22. That booted me out of my comfort zone. My journey was slow at first because I took a physical route, travelling to and round Australia, but gradually I learnt that the more rewarding adventures are the inner journeys, and I now wholeheartedly believe that our most painful experiences are our best teachers. Coming to terms with our own mortality is a fantastically useful achievement. I became interested in alternative therapies when I had illnesses which couldn't be addressed by conventional medicine, although when I gave birth I was very grateful for western medicine.
read moreReiki and Seichem are two words for gentle, hands-on healing. This is a technique for balancing the body's energies and harnessing the body's ability to heal itself. Reiki is a Japanese word pronounced ray-kee and Seichem is an Egyptian word, pronounced say-keem. I simply place my hands on different parts of the body and the energies flow automatically to the areas of need, healing emotional and physical pain. It's impossible to predict how many sessions anyone needs or how Reiki & Seichem will affect you.