West Midland American Vehicles
Auto Parts & Accessories in Wolverhampton, West Midlands

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West Midland American Vehicles
read moreWelcome to West Midland American Vehicles Limited, born out of a passion for American vehicles in the early 1970's we are still the best and original American spares and repairers! We have a HUGE on-site stock of American spares and have an order timeline for spares not available on site of 3-5 working days for most spares from our supplier in America. Our chief mechanic Ivan, started his career working on prestige vehicles such as Lamborghinis, Ferraris and Bentleys specialising in Aston Martins and is very well known within the industry as the man to go to for advice and troubleshooting, he has gained a reputation as one of the best American repair specialists with a knowledge that is second to none.