St Margaret's
Training Courses in Grimsby, Lincolnshire

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St Margaret's
read moreOdyssey's Counselling and Training services have made a huge difference to the lives of our many service users and the way in which our staff work so positively to support them. Counselling helped me to make the changes in my life I didn't think possible. Thank you for your understanding, kindness and belief in me - I now believe in myself and feel so much more confident! Odyssey Personal Development & Training Services helps businesses and individuals unlock their potential through Counselling and Training.
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read moreThank you for delivering a fantastic training session. Feedback from staff was 100% positive, who now feel much more confident to work with challenging customers. I thoroughly enjoyed the day - it gave me lots to reflect on, and I now have new ideas and tools to work more effectively with young people. I would definitely recommend this training! Thank you for the excellent Counselling Skills training with our pastoral staff. The sessions were very well received and your personable manner bred confidence and set a positive, professional tone.