Larch Tree Osteopathic Practice
Alternative Medicine Practitioner in Coventry, West Midlands

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Shoulder Pain
read moreShoulder pain has become more common in recent years, which may be related to the increase in computer and Smartphone usage and sedentary lifestyles. Shoulder pain can be very complex and as a consequence can take a long time to resolve. Your osteopath will work with you to determine the cause of your pain and decide on a course of treatment. Osteopaths will use a variety of techniques to improve muscular flexibility in the shoulder area, improve the range of joint movement in the mid back, neck, shoulder blade and shoulder.
Neck pain
read moreNeck pain and stiffness is a very common condition which can radiate up to the head causing headaches or to the upper back, shoulders and arms. Sometimes you may experience pain, pins and needles or numbness into your arms or hands due to irritation of a nerve in your neck. Osteopaths use a variety of techniques to gently loosen the spinal joints and relax the muscles of the neck, back and shoulders to restore freedom of movement and ease pain. Osteopathy is recognised as an effective treatment for neck pain, The National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) recommends osteopathy for the treatment of non specific neck pain.
Back Pain
read moreIn most cases there is a structural reason for the problem, involving injury to one or more of the many structures in the back such as spinal joints, muscles, ligaments, discs and nerves. Lifestyle is nearly always an important factor that can contribute to back pain. If your occupation involves sitting at a computer all day or lots of driving, you are more likely to experience back pain than other people. Physical factors such as frequent bending, twisting, lifting, repetitive work, static postures and a sudden increase or change in activity can all be bad for your back.