Educare For Early Years
Childcare Services in Manchester, Greater Manchester

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Educare For Early Years
read moreEducare for Early Years Children's Nurseries takes a fresh approach to childcare, by providing a fun, safe environment where the emphasis is on care, learning and development. We believe learning and care go hand-in-hand and our team of friendly and professional staff is dedicated to supporting your child's progression during the crucial early years. Playdoh is so easy to make and can provide hours of fun for toddlers and pre-school children. Getting creative and hands-on really helps to stretch youngsters' imaginations and you can also use playdoh to teach children skills such as sharing.
About Us
read moreWe have an open door policy meaning you can call around for a visit at a time to suit you and your child, without having to book an appointment. We also offer a bespoke welcome to our nursery with free inductions and settling in sessions for a happy and memorable transition to our setting. Our Baby Room has been carefully designed to be a true "home-from-home" for your baby. This helps them to feel secure as they take in their new surroundings and transition from home to join our Educare family.