Don Spencer Antiques
Antique Dealers in Warwick, Warwickshire

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Don Spencer Antiques
read morePeriod details and features can be explored using the hundreds of gallery photographs that illustrate just some of the different types of desk we have sold in the past.
About Us
read is a UK based website and was established on the Internet in 1996. For some 20 years it has been a leading UK specialist dealer in antique desks, antique writing and reading furniture and library accessories. However, having recently retired from the antiques trade, we wished to find a way of passing on our knowledge and experience and decided to compile this website - using examples of furniture we have previously bought and sold - to help those who are thinking of acquiring, or disposing of, an antique desk or item of antique writing furniture.
Antique Desks Archive
read moreOver the years we have sold literally thousands of pieces of high quality antique furniture to delighted clients from all over the world. In addition, we have an archive of nearly 10,000 photographs of all kinds of antique desks, writing tables, chairs and more, that represents one of the largest collections of its type anywhere in the world. Obviously it is not feasible to share the entirety of our archive via this website, however we have selected a number of pieces that show the breadth and quality of the antique furniture that is available to the discerning buyer.