Cranmore Dental & Implant Clinic
Dentist in Belfast, County Antrim
At Cranmore we train dentists in the provision and restoration of dental implants and cosmetic treatments. In addition, Dr Nelson lectures to both international and local dentists in relation to dental implants. With such a progressive approach we pride ourselves in quality and regularly attend international conferences relating to cosmetic treatments. In particular, Dr Nelson has attained a Masters degree in Dental Implantology from the University of Warwick.
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About Us
read moreConveniently located on Windsor Avenue nestled between the Lisburn and Malone Roads, Cranmore Excellence in Dentistry combines an award winning Bupa dental practice with a multi-disciplinary referral practice and education facility. Our aim is to provide our patients and referring dentists with the highest standard of care. With David Nelson as Clinical Lead, we have an experienced team to carry out all aspects of dental implant treatment, whether it's a single missing tooth or for those missing all their teeth.
Our Team
read moreAll our dentists adhere to the rules governing the profession under strict guidance from the General Dental Council (GDC) 'Standards for Dental Professionals'.
Computer Guided Surgery
read moreThanks to advances in modern dentistry, implants can be planned and placed with high levels of accuracy. For patients this means less time spent in the dental chair and quicker recovery after procedures. At Cranmore we pride ourselves in being one of the Leading Dental Centres of the World and have invested in the very best technology to offer advanced treatments to our patients. With the help of digital technology, guided implant surgery has become a proven method of success for placing implants, and we are delighted to offer it here at Cranmore.
Porcelain Veneers
read moreIf your front teeth are stained, chipped, or malaligned, veneers will give you a good life-like appearance with minimum tooth adjustment. A veneer is a porcelain facing on the front of your teeth usually your top teeth, it is just like a false finger nail. Veneers make teeth look natural and healthy, and because they are very thin and are held in place by a special strong bond (rather like super-glue) very little preparation of the tooth is needed. A precise shade of porcelain can be chosen to give the right colour to improve a single discoloured or stained tooth or to lighten front teeth (usually the upper ones) generally.
New Patients
read moreOur aim is to ensure that you receive unrivalled patient care at Cranmore with clear advice, enabling you to make an informed decision, bespoke for your dental needs. Our dedicated Welcome Team will arrange a new patient consultation at a time convenient for you. During your first visit, you will be requested to complete a dental and medical history questionnaire. This will be followed by a comprehensive oral health assessment including oral cancer screening. Digital photographs, impressions and x-rays may be taken with your consent.
read moreWe have detailed below some common questions which our team are often asked which you may find useful. A dental implant is a small titanium screw that serves as the replacement for the root portion of a missing natural tooth. Dental implants can be placed in either the upper or lower jaws. Due to the biocompatible properties of titanium, the individual dental implants fuse with your jaw-bone and become a solid anchor for your replacement tooth or dentures. Dental implants can be used when replacing single teeth, multiple missing teeth, for edentulous patients (no teeth) or to stabilise dentures.
Dental implant referrals
read moreOur highly skilled and experienced team of dentists and specialists are dedicated to providing a complete care approach to your patients needs. Your patients will be treated with the highest standard of care and returned to you for continuing care when their treatment has been completed.
CT Scans
read moreOne of the many technological advances which has emerged in dentistry in recent years is precision imagery in the form of three dimensional x-rays, also known as CT scans. At Cranmore we use state-of-the-art digital imaging equipment which helps us to diagnose and treat our patients to the highest standards. We are one of only a few practices in Northern Ireland to have a CBCT scanner. The main advantage of CT scanning machines is that they emit a low dose of radiation while taking a very detailed and precise x-ray of your mouth area.