Considerate Care
Childcare Services in Liverpool, Merseyside

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About Us
read moreWe believe that every young person has the right to be treated as an individual and as a result will need a personal programme of support and progression designed to meet their own needs and aspirations. These objectives are accomplished within an environment that provides stability, consistency and individual acceptance. Many troubled young people have learned strategies for survival that actively damage their interests. At Considerate Care we believe that every young person has the right to expect that we will help them in adopting new and more positive ways to cope with their problems and so improve their self-esteem and expectations.
read moreLike you, we believe that young people should be educated with their peers wherever possible. As part of our inclusion policy, and in order that young people have the option of a mainstream placement, we always strive to develop and maintain strong links with local schools. If required we can incorporate specialist educational consultants to help develop an individual plan around every child's specific needs. We believe that every child has the right to a good education and subsequently a good start in life.