Change For Life
Alternative Medicine Practitioner in Bradford, West Yorkshire

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Change For Life
read moreTrying to think your way out of a problem can be ineffective and frustrating. Sometimes you need to go deeper and contact the subconscious aspect of yourself to make the process much easier. Hypnotherapy, EFT and Emotion Code/Body Code are gentle and surprisingly effective ways of doing this. Maggie offers workshops in Reiki/Seichem, and Emotional Freedom Technique. Can't get to a workshop, no problem. She can teach you the basics of Emotional Freedom Technique over skype. And if you've wanted to meditate it but found it difficult let Maggie be your guide towards developing a simple regular practice that can fit into your day.
About Us
read moreLike many healers, my healing career began with my own healing journey. I went to an acupuncturist way back in 1985 with a physical issue which had been troubling me for some time and was dissatisfied with the solutions that my doctor was able to offer. I was shocked how acupuncture changed me as a person, not just addressed my physical symptom, without me consciously having to try and by the depths of that response. I felt opened up to new possibilities and wanted to do something similar to help others.
Hypnotherapy in Co Sligo
read moreHypnotherapy and EFT are, in my opinion, the some of the most effective ways of getting to the root of the problem so you can let go and move on. As an experienced, professional hypnotherapist and Advanced EFT Practitioner and Trainer. I have helped many people improve their lives. Let me do the same for YOU. Hypnotherapy is a relaxed state of focussed inner awareness which allows you to make change more easily and naturally. You're not simply trying to talk yourself into feeling better from your normal thinking state or relying on willpower.
Reiki Seichem healing
read moreI am trained as a Reiki and Seichem Master and crystal healer and have extensive Quantum Touch training. A Reiki session is a wonderful way of allowing yourself to come back into alignment, balance your energy centres and experience rest and recuperation. Nothing is required of you, other than to simply rest on a comfortable healing couch as I channel energies to you, either hands-on or in your aura or energy field. Most people experience Reiki and deeply relaxing but also as an opportunity to ‘come home to themselves' and feel a great sense of peace and well being.