Alexander Devine Childrens Cancer Trust
Childcare Services in Slough, Berkshire

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About Us
read moreOurs is a story of an ordinary family who were blessed with an extraordinary little boy. The journey that was to change our lives began in November 2001 when our precious first child was diagnosed with a brain tumour at just four years of age, there is nothing in this world that can prepare you for such a trauma, and life is never the same again. Alexander was a very bright and funny child; he loved life and his family very much and had wisdom far beyond his years. Our son endured four and a half years of operations, treatments and therapy and sadly died at the age of eight.
What we do
read moreWe understand that when a child has complex healthcare needs and requires round-the-clock care, the emotional and physical pressures on families can be immense. Taking a break from caring is not always possible. Respite care provides you with the opportunity to do the things that you might not normally have the chance to do. Whether you chose for respite to be in your own home or in our hospice, you will have peace of mind that your child is being looked after by a caring team that they know and trust as well as having plenty of fun.
Family stories
read moreShortly after Barnaby was born in January 2008, Barnaby's parents were given the devastating news that the healthy baby they expected had a severe and rare brain disorder called Lissencephaly. This is his story. Jessica's parents were told that she might not live past her toddler years, so have devoted themselves to providing her with the highest quality of life and giving Jessica the chance to live her life to the full. Four year old Harry is a happy little boy who loves to read books, zoom around in his wizzybug car and play with his sisters.